Monday, February 2, 2009

We're Horrible People: The Car Ride

There's no joke quite like an inside joke. Easily the strongest form of comedy, as it flawlessly bonds the people around you together. That is, if they're in on it. If they're not, then you get strange looks. That's the trade-off, I guess.

There's been a PSA for the Special Olympics running for over a decade. It features a person with Downs Syndrome in their room, basically talking to their gold fish. "There's this guy," she says, as her words are intercut with shots of a swimming pool. "He's always in my face. Shouting at me. I have to cover my ears. But I still hear him. Just pushes me." Then you see the guy she's talking about is her coach, cheering her on. "But I love him," she adds. "He's my coach." "My coach!" she concludes, proudly.

Now, I'm not knocking the Special Olympics in any way shape or form. That said, this commercial is funny. Housemates and I have started parodying it.

"There's these elephants. Always with tusks. Walking everywhere. I want to kill them. I take out my gun. It's illegal. That doesn't stop me. I poach. IIIIIIII Poach!"

"There's this thing. My grandma gave it to me. I pinned it on my lapel to look nice. It's my broach. MYYYYY Broach!"

We made these jokes for the entire car ride back from Pennsylvania yesterday. Best hour of my life.

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